Thursday, March 4, 2010

to WI or not to FI, that is the question

Or in the same breath, what's the price we have to pay to be connected?

As I was browsing through really cool cellphones through the Gadget Super Sale, I just got to thinking why the past 2 years, people have been on the rush to get connected -- to friends and family (which may be understandable), to friends of friends (which may be quite creepy) and to total strangers even. (do I need to expound?)

The '70s resonated with "Freedom" through Beatles songs and hippies. The '80s had The Wonder Years' Independence theme. The '90s boasted of Apathy by the GenXers. Now we are in the midst of the 2k era, and we're back to Reconnecting. Oprah wants us to reconnect to our Past, Suze Ormond wants us to reconnect to our Savings Account, Dr. Oz wants us to reconnect with our Body, Deepak Chopra wants us to reconnect with the Universe.

And yes of course, Nokia wants us to connect to the Wifi Hotspots.

But in the midst of all these applications in Facebook, and the funny/mind-boggling/downright nauseating tweets in Twitter, are we focusing too much on eSocializing and turning our backs on the very people we should be interacting with (face-to-face)?

I don't know... As usual, I don't know what is my point. One thing I'm sure of is this: Virtual Bear Hugs can never replace real ones. But through the rush hour traffic, and the miles and miles of cityspace between families and friends, Virtual Hugs are quite good enough.

Sending you hugs...