Tuesday, February 23, 2010

In Search of a Water-Proofed Life

How many times have you ran off under roofs when it starts to drizzle?
Remember why? The hair might get limp, the shirt might smell weird, the pants might shrink, the mascara might run..

Now remember back farther down memory lane to your gradeschool days when you can't wait for summer rain (and the occasional hale), so you can play tag under the sheeting rain... Oh you had fun, with your limp hair, your weird-smelling shirt, your pre-shrunk jeans, no mascara. Fun. You couldn't get enough.  :)

What happened between then and now? Job, college, the nice smelling stranger you don't even know, that Shampoo Commercial voice at the back of your head. Your barkada's jeer "baka dumami ka!" isn't helping either. Adult Happened. You are now a Grown-Up (say "yay, me!") . You are above the frivolities of childhood.

Or are you?

You know what? It's okay to walk under the rain sometime. It might do you better than the spa
You can always re-apply mousse on your hair, you can always change shirts, wear baggier pants, revlon has inexpensive waterproofed mascara. And don't worry, you're not a gremlin. :)

You don't have to waterproof yourself all the time. Although you may have to protect your gadgets :
water-proof bag , water-proof neck wallet , water-proof armband case

Now do the rain dance.:)

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