Monday, June 7, 2010

Holler Back to Me :)

It's been a while. Busy life takes its toll even on the simplest things -- like this one.

Things happened -- good and bad. But on to the good stuff, as always: The Store has a new feature very much like a market place. It's going to be bustling with sellers with exciting stuff, and buyers looking for that hard to find item. (Which I shall be discussing in detail tomorrow!!)

I'll be back same time, so you HAVE to be back here same time too :)

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Shopping in the Philippines

The Internet... It has grown from a mere alternative to the 22-pound, 24-volume encyclopedia to an everyday, can’t-live-without means of communication to the world.

About a couple of decades ago, the word online was unheard of. Doing business via the internet is impossible. But now, the internet has made its mark that has even placed new words in Merriam-Webster’s Dictionaries. The words online, users, net, chat, email, wi-fi and the like, are used in everyday living as the words eat, sleep and play. And with over 22 Million online users in the Philippines alone, anything is now possible.

As Pringles popularized it, once you pop, you can’t stop. Users are getting hooked on online shopping. More and more users are beginning to see the convenience and advantage that online shopping provides. Easy-to-compare products and prizes, convenience of shopping anytime,anywhere, and of course, the power that one click gives to the user. Unlike before, users are starting to feel much more comfortable doing transactions over the internet.

Amazon (of the USA) could be counted as one of the firsts in online mall. This online mall accredits legitimate stores to post their products via the Amazon site and people can shop as if shopping from the actual malls. Users could find anything and everything they need. The advantage this site gives is security. You know everything is legitimate as it passes through one of the most reliable sites there is in cyberworld.

For the Philippine market, buying online is a work in progress. People started off quite conservatively. From mere classified postings (buy-and-sell through online sites) to the current multiply sites (a social networking site where merchants set up their personal page via to post their products and connect with other users). These are great avenues. However, it provides no security on the buyer’s end. It is a risk they take whether the product would actually reach their doorstep. That is why some opt to do “meet-ups” (with Cash-on-delivery as payment method)) and pick-up points. Which sometimes defeats the “online shopping” concept.

But now, the online Philippine market is ripe for the picking. Philippine-based shopping sites have emerged over the past decade. MyAyala and Filgifts are among the first online shopping sites that cater to OFWs who wish to send gifts for their families in the Philippines. However, these shopping sites are created to fit the OFWs as prices are in US dollars and it has built a negative reputation – that brand new items sold online are overpriced.

As Filipinos are known to be crafty, a new concept for the local market has risen. A virtual shopping mall has stolen the scene. is now the largest, most complete, most convenient, and safest online shopping site there is. Catering to both local and international clientele, and providing shoppers with variety and security, it has set a new benchmark in online shopping. This is the new place where Filipinos all over the world can send gifts to family, friends, or to themsleves.

Among the online shopping sites, has stood out. This registered, legitimate, young, and barely-a-year-old shopping site has climbed up the charts only a few months of operations. This shopping site was carefully thought of and has put into reality the unsaid wish-list of online users.

User-friendly has an organized, user-friendly category for easy-search of products; and a search tool that helps users find particular products. This has the most easy-to-understand categories, so that you find what you are looking for in a few clicks.

Complete in Variety
When it comes to being complete, carries products from A to Z; from personal to household to commercial-industrial items. As their slogan says, “all you want online”. And they have been true to their word as they are the most complete online mall there is.

From body lotions, to any health and beauty products, to kitchen sinks, to cellphones and cameras, to netbooks and laptops, to health supplements, to toys and baby needs, to kitchen appliances, to LCD TVs, to apparel, to pet supplies, to outdoor griller, to commercial tools, to luxurious sofa set, to the local wooden baby cabinets, to anything else you can think of.

Paying with Security
It has the most payment options and secure at that. With reliable payment partners who have been in the industry for the longest time. Conservative users may opt for Bank Deposit payments (through BDO, BPI, China Bank, or Metro Bank). The infamous e-wallet such as Globe GCASH is also available. ATM Cardholders may use their ATM cards to pay online through Weepay (no need to go to a machine for this one). Credit card holders may use their credit cards to pay for their purchaes as well.

Sure Delivery
As it is standard in online purchasing (and quite accepted at that), the delivery fee is charged to the buyer. provides several courier for delivering your purchases right at your doorstep. The fee is very minimal. It is merely the substitute of your transportation fee or gas and parking fee minus the hassle of actually looking for a parking space. In a way, you contribute in saving the earth (one less car on the road).

Most of all, breaks the overpriced reputation of online shopping. With, the products are priced the same or lower as the actual outlets. Most of the items are priced lower compared the malls and actual stores.

More than that, always finds excuses to treat their patrons to discounts, promos, and freebies. Making non-online-shoppers a believer is their joy and fulfillment.

With these perks and security, shopping online is indeed a hard habit to break. But with a habit that has 99% advantages and 1% disadvantage – buying things you do not really need but just because they are on an amazing sale – this habit might as well be part of your daily living.

Quoting Janette Toral in her article “Are you ready to buy online?”, “Shopping online can be fun, time-saving, and practical. However, one must exert some background checking to ensure that they deal with reliable online merchants.” does just that for you. The job of background checking and ensuring the reliability and legitimacy of the merchants is all done by opens great possibilities especially for those who are new to online shopping. The fearful need not be afraid as this online shopping site has their patrons’ best interest at heart. is a site especially created and designed for Filipinos by Filipinos. Another Proudly-Pinoy idea that deserves the support of Filipinos all over the world. The Philippines is ready for this new online lifestyle.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Summer Fun, you there?

Summer can be a lot of different things to a lot of different people.

Summer would mean no work and all play for students on vacation.
Summer would mean beach and margarita for girlfriends out for a sand party.
Summer would mean barbecues and grills plus booze for dads and hot mallows for boys.

But for me? I'm not really sure..
I haven't been a student for years.
I haven't been out with my girlfriends in a while since all have been busy.
I'm obviously not a dad, or a boy (although sometimes I may look like one!)

But Summer, still is special.
Summer gives me a reason to wear tank tops and miniskirts and backpacks and  cute slippers.
Summer rekindles my love affair with iced everything (tea, coffee,juice,granita,wine, pool)
Summer rekindles my love-hate affair with the sun too.:)
I love knowing it's there, but I don't necessarily wanna see it face to face. :)

One thing's for sure. Summer is so here. Hope it stays a while.
Signing out for the day. Sending Sunblock to all ! :)

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Getting Polaroids in Life

Have you taken enough good photos in your life? When I say good, I don't mean the kind where your acne's not showing or your wrinkles are softened by good lighting. When I say good photos, I mean good memories. Or... what is more important, really?

I should confess, the photos I show off are those where I look good. Presentable, at least. Where the Christmas weight is not all too visible and that oil splatter from the kitchen is well hidden by the dark cotton shirt.

But the photos I carry? The photos I keep are those moments I had with friends I love. Those photos in my head which I pray I wouldn't forget. Which wouldn't get lost in the daily grind. (and so that's why I fear Alzheimers, but that's a different blog entry altogether :) )

Sometimes we get too lost trying to take good digital photos that we forget to be IN the photos, the moment we realize this, the moment is gone. We were there, but were we, really?

In a time where facebook, twitter, plurk and youtube reign, where still and digital images are shared by the millisecond, photographs take center-stage. But really, what are the photographs you keep?

If you love taking photos, and you're fond of cameras, here are some stuff you would surely enjoy: Polaroid ideal for your youtube creations, dainty Ixus for your inner diva, and a supercalifragilistic one of course Canon EOS .

Meanwhile, since my Sony point and shoot memory card is still full of my poses, envision me with my two index fingers on either side of my head going *click* ~ Happy memory now uploading.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

to WI or not to FI, that is the question

Or in the same breath, what's the price we have to pay to be connected?

As I was browsing through really cool cellphones through the Gadget Super Sale, I just got to thinking why the past 2 years, people have been on the rush to get connected -- to friends and family (which may be understandable), to friends of friends (which may be quite creepy) and to total strangers even. (do I need to expound?)

The '70s resonated with "Freedom" through Beatles songs and hippies. The '80s had The Wonder Years' Independence theme. The '90s boasted of Apathy by the GenXers. Now we are in the midst of the 2k era, and we're back to Reconnecting. Oprah wants us to reconnect to our Past, Suze Ormond wants us to reconnect to our Savings Account, Dr. Oz wants us to reconnect with our Body, Deepak Chopra wants us to reconnect with the Universe.

And yes of course, Nokia wants us to connect to the Wifi Hotspots.

But in the midst of all these applications in Facebook, and the funny/mind-boggling/downright nauseating tweets in Twitter, are we focusing too much on eSocializing and turning our backs on the very people we should be interacting with (face-to-face)?

I don't know... As usual, I don't know what is my point. One thing I'm sure of is this: Virtual Bear Hugs can never replace real ones. But through the rush hour traffic, and the miles and miles of cityspace between families and friends, Virtual Hugs are quite good enough.

Sending you hugs...

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

In Search of a Water-Proofed Life

How many times have you ran off under roofs when it starts to drizzle?
Remember why? The hair might get limp, the shirt might smell weird, the pants might shrink, the mascara might run..

Now remember back farther down memory lane to your gradeschool days when you can't wait for summer rain (and the occasional hale), so you can play tag under the sheeting rain... Oh you had fun, with your limp hair, your weird-smelling shirt, your pre-shrunk jeans, no mascara. Fun. You couldn't get enough.  :)

What happened between then and now? Job, college, the nice smelling stranger you don't even know, that Shampoo Commercial voice at the back of your head. Your barkada's jeer "baka dumami ka!" isn't helping either. Adult Happened. You are now a Grown-Up (say "yay, me!") . You are above the frivolities of childhood.

Or are you?

You know what? It's okay to walk under the rain sometime. It might do you better than the spa
You can always re-apply mousse on your hair, you can always change shirts, wear baggier pants, revlon has inexpensive waterproofed mascara. And don't worry, you're not a gremlin. :)

You don't have to waterproof yourself all the time. Although you may have to protect your gadgets :
water-proof bag , water-proof neck wallet , water-proof armband case

Now do the rain dance.:)

Monday, February 22, 2010

While My Guitar Gently Weeps

Minute I heard this song, I so wanted to play my guitar again. Oh didn't I say I have one? Coz I did, but it got lost.. (And now I think I want one just like this guitar)

I look at the trouble and see that it's raging, while my guitar gently weeps.
As I'm sitting here, doing nothing but aging, still, my guitar gently weeps.
I look from the wings at the play you are staging, while my guitar gently weeps.
As I'm sitting here, doing nothing but aging, still, my guitar gently weeps.

This was written by George Harrison of the Beatles, and was among the Rolling Stones' 500 Songs of All Time. If you haven't heard it yet (too busy, too young or too preoccupied maybe...), I hope you give it a chance.

You just might get inspired to learn playing guitar... or start playing again. :) There'd be two of us.

This might just be the guitar meant for only you :)

Happy Singing :)

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Love in the Time of FB

 To him she seemed so beautiful, so seductive, so different from ordinary people, that he could not understand why no one was as disturbed as he by the clicking of her heels on the paving stones, why no one else's heart was wild with the breeze stirred by the sighs of her veils, why everyone did not go mad with the movements of her braid, the flight of her hands, the gold of her laughter. He had not missed a single one of her gestures, not one of the indications of her character, but he did not dare approach her for fear of destroying the spell.
                                                                                         ~Love in the Time of Cholera

 Facebook may not have the physical maladies of the disease, but the emotional rollercoaster you get from FB's TMI (too much information) might just be more devastating for the modern woman (or man.) But of course it would be a disservice to Cholera to compare facebook to its 18th century drama.

I'm not sure if I have a point. But if ever I have one, it is this: Love is timeless. So is love lost. So are broken hearts.

Those inlove are often too giddy to read books. But if you're not among the giddy ones, here are some good reads for you and your kleenex :) For dads and daughters , for women , if you wanna live life like an adventure: Listen to this book

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Mickey Mouse Laptop and My 32 y.o. self

While browsing the site, this netbook caught my eye: Mickey Red Lenovo

My concern is, I'm not that young (although I look 25. Ha..Ha..), and a Mickey Mouse Laptop might look too juvenile and cute for me (although I, too, look cute. Doube Ha.ha)

It has an Intel Atom N80 Processor, a good enough Graphics Card (for a netbook atleast), a 1 GB Memory. And more importantly (the Ladies would agree, because they'll know where I'm coming from) ~ it's called an Idea Pad. ~ just might provide me with great ideas (not necessarily productive ones, mind you). :)

Best of all, it's available in my favorite color. And the Mickey Mouse Design is artsy and cute (and without the irritating Mickey Mouse voice. :)

If you too, are looking for some models: Street Black Inspiron, Purple Dell

Or if you just want a digital photo frame

I'm hopeful overall :)

Monday, February 15, 2010

1 Song on Loop

It's been 3 hours now. I have A Fine Frenzy's Almost Lover  on loop. Maybe it's the weather, or maybe just my mood, but this song is quite touching me today in a way not even Lifehouse's Hanging By A Moment can't.

Well, I never want to see you unhappy, I thought you'd want the same for me...
Goodbye, my almost lover, Goodbye, my hopeless dream
I'm trying not to think about you, Can't you just let me be?
So long, my luckless romance, My back is turned on you
Should've known you'd bring me heartache...
Almost lovers always do.

And the clincher:
Did I make it that easy to walk right in and out of my life?

Are you in the mood for some music? Check these out:
Jack Johnson : if you like John Mayer, you just might love this guy too
James Taylor : I didn't expect I'd like his songs as I do now, considering it's from another era. Love really is timeless :)

See you tomorrow! <3

Sunday, February 14, 2010

PVDS (Post Valentine's Day Syndrome)

I'm sure there is such a thing ~ PVDS. Maybe it has not been well-researched yet. Or maybe it has not been conceived by the scientific world, YET. Yet, is the operative word. Soon it will be. And when that happens, I'll be first in line to volunteer as a specimen! PVDS, onlinemaller style. :)

Since last friday, February 12. I observed myself having a higher PTB (Propensity To Buy) ~ or in layman's term (more honest term, you mean) ~ I have been more shopaholic. I'm sure the psychologists out there would say I'm trying to fill a void. And the finance analyst would say I'm jeopardizing my future net worth. I'd say, I wouldn't know. As I've said, I'm willing to volunteer as a specimen. Test me then. For now let me shop.

Good thing is, I left my atm card in another wallet so I wasn't able to purchase anything yet. But here are some really interesting things I have my eyes on : an Italian Leather Bracelet , a Hello Kitty Phone , and of course a cute ruffled dress for moi.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Soon. Like Tomorrow Soon.

I'm not sure whether to be excited or pressured or (in local parlance) Dedma for tomorrow. Because yes, it's almost here. Soon like tomorrow soon (insert sound effect): VALENTINE'S DAY!

Valentine's Day is the adult version of Christmas. Cupid is snowman, paper cutouts decorate our windows like candy canes do to the Tree. If Christmas smells like pine needles and turkey, V-day would smell like chocolates and roses, and sometimes a whiff of candlelit dinner.

Some days like today, I think V-day is so nauseating and overrated (concocted by marketing people of the flower industry).

Some days, I kinda need it, V-day. Brings me back to simpler (and younger) times. To times where it's normal to get Kilig. And Dedma hasn't been coined yet.

Some days I love V-Day. Just because people are generally kinder and sweeter and gentler.

Some days, I hate then like then Love V-day.
Some days, like today.

Happy Valentine's Day Dearies. Send some love!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Twilight Valentine

I am properly amazed that a Twilight Inspired flower bouquet may now be sent to the Object of your affection. It would definitely be CHEEZY. But it would definitely be as Romantic and Unique.

The New Moon Book of the Twilight Saga displays on its cover the Parrot Tulip, a very large and brightly coloured variety of the tulip family. Parrot Tulips have petals that are feathered, curled, twisted or waved.

Monday, February 1, 2010

V for Valentine

My facebook friends have a new addiction. Keying in < and 3 ALL THE TIME! All their statuses, even those having a bad day have endless hearts ♥♥♥ on their walls. Maybe that's coz the love bug has arrived.

So what gifts are you getting the object of your affection for Feb.14?  Gold and diamonds would be nice for wives and moms. Leather Straps or Leather Bracelets would be really cool for guys. My next posts would be gift suggestions you can send online to your lucky half. (hope I get some too ♥).

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Lapdance Bags Joins

Lapdance Bags are snug on your laptop and STUNNING on you. The cool thing is, you can now choose from the various sleek designs on your own sweet time. With the partnership of Lapdance Bags and, the Philippines widest online mall, you can even send these chic bags as gifts to your super lucky friends and family!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

What is, Inc. is the biggest online mall based in Manila, Philippines.

Shop around 's online stores and find the widest range of products - apparel, clothing, shoes, accessories, books, electronics, watches, TVs, DVD players, computer, desktops, laptops, netbooks, gadgets, mobile phones / cellphones, DVDs, Blu-rays, CDs , movies, music, toys, infant needs / baby needs, nursing / matertnity care, cosmetics, makeup brushes, skin care products, pets, pet needs, home improvement, furniture and fixtures, and even industrial items / machines - from a reliable list of suppliers and brands, both local and multinational companies.

Buying online has never been this convenient and safe.